4 Axis Stage


Model : XYZ4A

YZ, Linear Travel – 10 mm
Theta, phi travel : +/- 2.5 degree
Drive : Micrometer
Resolution : 10microns
Straight line accuracy : 0.01 mm
Load capacity : 10kg
M6 Mounting Holes


Availability: 3 in stock

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Four axes stages from holmarc are best suited for positioning lasers or optical imaging devices like CCD cameras. The stage has two linear movements ( Y, Z ) and two tilt adjustments (theta, phi). All four axes are driven by standard micrometer heads. Y and Z axes have rolling contact guides with crossed rollers for frictionless precise positioning. ‘Phi’ axis uses a spring loaded kinematic one where as ‘theta’ axis uses pre-loaded rotary bearings for stable positioning. Construction material is aluminium alloy and finish is black anodized.

YZ, Linear Travel – 10 mm
Theta, phi travel : +/- 2.5 degree
Drive : Micrometer
Resolution : 10microns
Straight line accuracy : 0.01 mm
Load capacity : 10kg
M6 Mounting Holes

Model : XYZ4A


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