Absorptive Neutral Density filters attain functions by absorbing light with minimal reflection. Holmarc’s absorptive neutral density filters are made by four special filters glass materials from Schott. Each Schott filter glass materials has a spectrally flat absorption coefficient in the visible region. Since the optical density is a function of the type of glass material and thickness, by varying these we are able to produce the entire line of absorptive ND filters.
► Diameter : 25 mm
► Material : NG11
► Optical density : 0.1
► Clear aperture : 90%
► Surface quality : 40-20 (Scratch – dig)
► Dimensional tolerance : +0.0,-0.2 mm
► Surface flatness : λ/4 @ 632.8 nm
► Parallelism : ≤ 10 arc sec
# Dispatch within 3 days
Model No. HO-NDA-25-0.1
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